Chi tiết của spot

Spotter RvdS-Photography
Bắt gặp ở Monaco, Monaco
Ngày 2024-05-14 22:16

spotje 5700 alweer en wat is het mooier om tussen de verschillende ferrari's door een enzo te uppen. mijn 5de enzo alweer die ik weet te spotten. weet nou niet precies wat ik van de FXX spoiler moet vinden.


Camera model Canon EOS 6D Mark II
Aperture f/1.4
Shutterspeed 1/640 sec.
Focal length 35.0 mm

Thông số kĩ thuật

Tốc độ tối đa 349 km/h
Gia tốc 0-100 km/h 3.65 s
Công suất 659 hp
Mô men xoắn 657 Nm @ 5500 rpm
Trọng lượng 1365 kg

Bình luận trên spot này

  1. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS JeffreydeRuiter  -  Vào lúc 22:19


  2. Profile pic
    ITALY Gianluca97  -  Vào lúc 22:21


  3. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS wessel.jpeg  -  Vào lúc 22:31


  4. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS JoepCarSpots  -  Vào lúc 22:35

    Ziek om te spotten, maar die spoiler verpest het wel een beetje. Je gaat wel echt hard man! Je 5600e spot lijkt wel vorige week.

  5. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS RvdS-Photography  -  Vào lúc 22:45

    haha ja @JoepCarSpots gaat mooi snel inderdaad.

  6. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS EcnerualCars  -  Vào lúc 15:35

    Heel gaaf! De FXX onderdelen had van mij niet gehoeven, eerder zonde.

  7. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  -  Vào lúc 20:47

    Congrats for the milestone! Nice you have chosen the most popular Enzo from my City (even it's seen here just for events lol)! 👌

  8. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Vvvroem  -  Vào lúc 17:20

    Die spoiler 🤢!!! Maar verder hele gave spot! Gefeliciteerd!

  9. Không ổn

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