Chi tiết của spot

Spotter Spyros PETS
Bắt gặp ở Athens, Greece
Ngày 2024-07-12 23:52

You know that I avoid uploading half-assed spots (unlike years ago), but in this case, a guy (probably a friend of the owner, or so I thought) came and asked me to not make any more photos. Now, I don't know what difference it makes taking few photos instead of many, compared to no photos at all. Anyway, though, I decided that this Panamera Turbo S looked very nice, so I'm keeping this spot.

Thông số kĩ thuật

Tốc độ tối đa 310 KM/H
Gia tốc 0-100 KM/H 3.40 s
Công suất 680 HP
Mô men xoắn 850 Nm @ 6 RPM
Trọng lượng 2 kg

Bình luận trên spot này

  1. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  -  Vào lúc 18:57

    Some owners just act in strange ways...

  2. Profile pic
    GREECE Spyros PETS  -  Vào lúc 23:04

    Not exactly strange, but suspicious. You just never know why they won't let you take photos. The reasons are plenty, and mostly not good. Whenever this or something similar happens, I'm like "alright", and get tf away.

  3. Không ổn

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