Chi tiết của spot

Spotter BrickShark
Bắt gặp ở Belgrade, Serbia
Ngày 2024-06-10 08:40

It's my birthday today!!! I uploaded this insane car as a birthday spot, but I spotted it in April. I really like GTR Pro and this spec too. Photos aren't very good sadly


Camera model Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi
Aperture f/5.6
Shutterspeed 1/800 sec.
Focal length 27.0 mm

Thông số kĩ thuật

Tốc độ tối đa 319 km/h
Gia tốc 0-100 km/h 3.60 s
Công suất 585 hp
Mô men xoắn 700 Nm @ 2100 rpm
Trọng lượng 1640 kg

Bình luận trên spot này

  1. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM ST22HTV  -  Vào lúc 09:36

    Happy birthday!!! This car looks incredible. I've never seen one!

  2. Profile pic
    SERBIA BrickShark  -  Vào lúc 10:50

    Thanks a lot! You will see one! @ST22HTV

  3. Profile pic
    ITALY -_sAmU_-  -  Vào lúc 13:38

    Happy birthday mate! This Pro looks insane, awesome spot!!

  4. Profile pic
    SERBIA BrickShark  -  Vào lúc 13:55

    Than you so much! @-_sAmU_-

  5. Profile pic
    SERBIA Nemanja 8.32  -  Vào lúc 16:15


  6. Profile pic
    SERBIA BrickShark  -  Vào lúc 16:20

    Thank you veryyy much mate! Yeah, Belgrade becomes better and better! (I have 2 aventador spots that I didnt upload yet haha) [@Nemanja 8.32]

  7. Profile pic
    SERBIA Ds cars photography  -  Vào lúc 17:21

    Happy birthday!

  8. Profile pic
    SERBIA BrickShark  -  Vào lúc 18:30

    Thanks mate! [@Ds cars photography]

  9. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  -  Vào lúc 21:26

    Happy birthday mate, amazing car to celebrate and great pics as usual! 🥳

  10. Profile pic
    SERBIA BrickShark  -  Vào lúc 21:35

    Thanks a lot mate! [@JACK888 Turin Spotter]

  11. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Hoosier_Exotics  -  Vào lúc 04:36

    Stunning find and photos! Amazing car!

  12. Profile pic
    SERBIA BrickShark  -  Vào lúc 11:21

    Thank you very much! @Hoosier_Exotics

  13. Profile pic
    SLOVAKIA davidko15  -  Vào lúc 19:14

    Insane spot, brutal car!

  14. Profile pic
    SERBIA BrickShark  -  Vào lúc 09:59

    Thanks! @davidko15

  15. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Rover-Spots  -  Vào lúc 13:49

    Stunning catch adn great shots! Happy (belated) Birthday!

  16. Profile pic
    SERBIA BrickShark  -  Vào lúc 16:50

    Thanks you soo much! @Rover-Spots

  17. Không ổn

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